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vijey Vyaktigat jankari
- Main hoon:Purush, vishamlaingik vyakti
- Se:Colombo, Shri lnka
- Mangna:Mahila, vishamlaingik vyakti
- ruchiyan
aur kamukta: - Bhasha:English
- Shiksha:Vidyalay
- Pesha:driver
- Aay:Ausat
- Bachche:Han, ham sath rahte hain
- Dharm:Nastik
- Dhoomrpan karna:Kabhi nahin
- Pina:Kabhi nahin
- Rashi:Mithun rashi
What I look like
- Jatiyta:Esiyan
- Sharir ke prkar:Ausat
- Balo ki lnbaee:Madhyam
- Balon ke rng:Kala
- Aankhon ka rng:Kala
- Oonchaee:0 phut 1 inch (5 semi)